The skill preservation of an expert has been a
serious problem for countries with aging population because
decrease of the number of successors. The concepts of haptic
database and force sensor recorder which have been developed
recently suggests solutions of using third multimedia type of
haptic communication. Haptic information is a bilateral
information of the law of action and reaction. The reaction from
real world includes not only position and force information but
also environmental impedance. In this paper, the behavior of
environmental impedance has been studied with the changes of
the different motion parameters like applied force, velocity,
position and depth on the object 3D space. This idea is
exemplified using a rubber balloon and a rubber sponge which is
often modeled using simple linear equations. The experimental
results show the importance of considering motion parameters
when abstracting haptic information for a haptic database.
Nonlinear impedance variations against the motion parameters
suggest the necessity of adopting complex haptic abstraction