The need for maintaining the land uses of the upper
watersheds for the sustainable developments of entire river
basis has been recognized and action towards this has been
taken by several countries. The attention paid towards the
proper maintenance of such watershed in Sri Lanka in the past
does not appear to be sufficient. There are several statutory
divisions administered by several government institutions
dealing with the conservation and development of the areas
covered by the upper watersheds as well as the downstream areas
the downstream areas. However there dose' nt appear to be
sufficient appreciation of the need for coordination of this
activity. As a result of the developments have occurred in
areas which are not suitable for such developments, resulting
in retarding development of the entire river basins taken as a
whole. This affects economy of the country.
This study is aimed at assessing the problem due to
the present land use condi tion in the upper watershed and
formulating principles for the preparation of land use plans
for such upper watersheds which would benefits the developments
of all land resources irl~ubH river basins.
A study area ha~ been selected for an indepth study
'of the current problems and formulation of proposals to remedy
any deficiencies. The principles of such proposals thus