colombo has been the Capital city of Sri Lanka since british rule. Today it has developed in all aspectsb such as I economical , social,political and physical, etc, Owing physical growth of the city the availbility of buildable land has now reached the saturation point, As a , result of problans have arisen in the city and some of them becorne critical . Nevertheless, there are about 2500 acres of unused low-lying areas situate-d in around tbe city. This study ssed on a plruh ed method of loitation of those 3Cl low-lying m·eas , Tne study has been u.11d.ertaken in seven chapters. st Chapter has discussed thep:rocess of develo}1rnent of
Fernando, P.L.A.M.S.K. (1982). Utilization of low - lying land for integrated urban development a case study of Colombo North [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/11698