The general purpose of black spot identification is to identify high accident frequency locations on a
road network to improve road safety. The next task is to sift through these locations to select the
particular locations based on whose analysis the safety treatment is established. Thus, black spot
treatment is a two-stage process: identification and safety analysis, with the former producing the
enriched data for the detailed analysis done in the latter. Such analysis is to determine the true black
spots, the safety aspects to improve, the cost of treatment, and the extent of the efficiency.
Accordingly, the object of identification stage is to select sites that have a good chance of being in
need of remedial action and also capable of being cost-effectively improved. This paper reviews the
evolution of criteria for black spot identification in terms of scope and aspects. On the basis of this
review, a number of suggestions are made for the cases of developing countries in terms of black spot
identification aspects.