Even though driving cycles have been adopted around the world in different type of applications, the
data needed for each steps is costly and time consuming. Majority of the Developing countries do not
have systematic data bases for traffic related information such as origin-destinations, vehicle
kilometers, average annual daily traffic etc. for majority of road links. Meager amount of available
data is not sufficient to develop a driving cycle. Even though the data is collected, significant effort
has to be made to construct a driving cycle that closely matches to the population data set. This paper
gives simplified methodology for developing driving cycles using different approaches for route
selection, data collection and cycle construction. For the route selection the available methods have
been combined together and modified to suit for developing countries where no details traffic flow
information will be available. Also a method was adopted for data collection by dividing selected
routes in to links and grouped them according to daily traffic to optimize the cost for data collection.
Road links were divided using physical junctions on the road and routes were selected using traffic
generators and attracters combined with Origin Destination data. Also methodology was developed for
synthesize data population using collected data from road links. Another issue for cycle construction is
to construct a cycle which is close to population parameters. Using existing methods many cycles have
to be constructed until the acceptable cycles is generated. New methodology has been adopted to
develop driving cycle to match the population parameters and then to select data for driving cycle
using Markov chain. As a case study Colombo, Sri Lanka has selected to apply the new approach of
driving cycle construction for developing countries.