There are three main Graphite mining companies in Sri Lanka, namely, Bogala Graphite
Lanka PLC (Bogala and Rangala mines), Kahatagaha Graphite Lanka Ltd (Kahatagaha
mines) and Sakura Graphite PVT Ltd (Ragedara mines). Cut-and-Fill method is adopted at
Bogala and Open Stoping is adopted at both Kahatagaha and Ragedara Mines respectively.
Rangala mine is still in its exploration stage. In Sri Lanka Graphite occurrences are in the
form of veins with a steep dip. Cut-and-Fill method is used as it is cheap and a good way of
using as excess rock generated can be used for filling the voids. This is a traditional method of
mining and no theoretical studies had been carried out. By achieving greater safety and
reducing the cost, the local graphite industry will have a higher profit margin.