The house a person builds embodies certain features, that are In effect outlets of owners character IS initially fashioned by the inherent views and attitudes of the community to which he born and the social group which he belongs, playa significant part in moulding his outlook and ambitions in life.
How the socio cultural factors influence the livable space making in house is the theme of the present exercise. The livable space being the perfect expression of the self, family and the social group which a person belongs to. Belonging to a particular culture expresses different psychological aspirations and it varies with the context and the behavior pattern of the occupants.
The pattern of the relationship between livable space making of a house and the social sub groups, viz. new rich, business, middle level employee and professional IS
identified with examples drawn from two communities, Sinhala and Muslim in Colombo. The portray of sharp different features was the reason to prompted' the selection of examples from there two communities in urban areas
Ranwatta, M.A. (2005). Impact of socio cultural influences on livable space making : an examination of their effects in urban housing with special reference to Sinhala and Muslim community [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1449