Architecture is the process of human habitation. As an inescapable form of art architecture should provide physical and psychological comfort to experience life as a dramatic process. In most of the situations architecture is not identified as a creation of unavoidable experience, and the impact of spatial qualities and experience of space, on user' s behavior patterns have been neglected. As the primary attention is merely creating only to quantitative requirements, in architecture the embodied meanings and expressional values get the minimum consideration. And intention that looks at architecture as an art has been gradually decreased. Even appears to the world as a delightful entertaining form of art, today cinema provides relaxation, aesthetic satisfaction as a spiritual form of art that bounded with the reality of life. The movement in time and space, the variety of changes in plane and rapidly switching viewpoints fills the screen with life. The perceptual and experiential attributes of space and cinema are felt for the sake of enriches psychological healing and comfortable experience of space. With reference to space-time connectivity which leads a spatial experience, visual perception, composition an images and expressive qualities, the intention was set to describe the spatial experience with relevance to cinematic experience and the utmost goal became to feed the qualitative architectural experience.
Athukorala, A.U.S.S. (2005). An Overview of spatial experience as a cinematic experience [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1478