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Technological advancements and their impact on the built environment : an overview

Show simple item record Balasooriya, L 1999T02:53:55Z 1999T02:53:55Z 1999
dc.identifier.issn 1391-6424 en_US
dc.description.abstract Innovative thinking and inspiration lead to ventures, which may ultimately influence pro­ jects or inventions of importance to the future of mankind; or in a fast changing world, the better management of the environment, a factor mankind has begun to lake cognizance over the last few years. This paper attempts to motivate architects and planners by highlighting landmarks in the history of technology, which had an impact on the built environment and urban patterns (of which architecture is one component). It also predicts the future response of mankind to modern technological innova­tions such as the application of microchip tech­nology and its impact on the city and the living styles of the community. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Built Environment en_US
dc.title Technological advancements and their impact on the built environment : an overview en_US
dc.type Article-Abstract en_US
dc.identifier.year 1999 en_US
dc.identifier.journal Archi-texts en_US
dc.identifier.issue 1 en_US
dc.identifier.pgnos pp. 1 - 11 en_US

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