Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the method of digital image retrieval of the characters.
The idea behind OCR is to obtain an image or pdf format document and extract the characters
from that image and present it in an editable format to the user.
This thesis focused on research related to extract the information such as vendor name, category
of the receipt (food related, travel related etc.) and amount from the receipt which can be
printed and hand written. Further to identifying the mentioned information, expanded the
research on identifying the duplicate receipts as well.
Petty Cash is an accessible store of money kept by organizations for expenditure on small items.
When an employee wants to reimburse the amount that he/she spent, they need to fill a voucher
with the date of the expense, amount, vendor, reason of the expense and attach the supporting
documents (receipts) which will consume papers. In this digital world, easily we can automate
this process using digital platforms and tools.
Mobile phones are significantly playing major roles in our day-to-day life more than ever and
the usage of mobile phones are increasing drastically compare to desktop computers. In order
to reduce the carbon foot print, we can take necessary steps to reduce the paper usage. Building
a mobile application which can automate the petty cash process which includes OCR capability
on receipts would engage the users to use it in their organizations.
This is the first time, OCR on receipts and duplicate identifier is researched and done. There
are no researches conducted on this.