Employment plays a vital role in determining the economic wellbeing of both individuals
and nations. To achieve this, the job satisfaction of the employee is very important. This
study was carried out to identify the factors affecting in deciding the employee job
satisfaction level in the service sector in Colombo district. The necessary data were
collected from randomly selected 128 individuals via a structural questionnaire and simple
random sampling method was used. The analysis found that employee job satisfaction level
was significantly influenced by socio-economic factors, income factors and individual
factors connected with the employment. The employee job satisfaction is negatively
influenced by the financial rewards of the employee with 5% margin of errors. Moreover, it
has been found that the employee job descriptions need to be designed based on their
qualifications, capabilities and the capacities of the individual employees. Furthermore, it
was found that the lack of staff training provided is also significantly influenced on the job
satisfaction. Factor analysis confirmed that the following six factors: (i) working
environment & professional growth, (ii) team spirit & supervisor concern, (iii) attitude of the
top management & the level of appreciation of the employees at the workplace, (iv) attitude
of the employees towards the benefits received & their view on the organization, (v) the
facilities provided, other benefits provided by the organization and work related concerns of
the employees and (vi) resources provided to carry out day-to-day work & for the
continuous career advancement within the organization are the main factors for job