Resilient solid tires are used for industrial vehicles. Three-layer resilient tire composed of heel,
middle and tread layers; the integrity of layers is empirical throughout the service life. This
thesis investigated inter-layer adhesion capacity between middle and tread layer. The two
compounds were pre vulcanized into 6 levels (0%,20%,40%,60%,80%, and 100%) at 100 °C,
by changing the Pre-vulcanization time. Primary vulcanized sample was vulcanized
secondarily at 150 °C and 170 °C; inter-facial bonding strengths were compared.
Increased secondary vulcanization temperature decreased the inter-layer adhesions. Based on
adhesion strength, manufacturing limitations and physical properties, the optimum primary
vulcanization level selected. To develop acceptable bonding at 0% pre vulcanization of middle
layer, the tread layer could pre vulcanized up to 80% at 150 °C secondary vulcanizing
temperature and up to 20% at 170 °C. At 20% pre vulcanized middle layer, tread layer could
pre vulcanized up to 60% and 20% at secondary vulcanization temperature of 150 °C and
170 °C respectively. At 40% pre vulcanized middle layer, tread layer could pre vulcanized up
to 40% at 150 °C secondary temperature; but at secondary temperature of 170 °C, tread layer
bonded well only at 0% degree pre vulcanization.
In conclusion, 40% of middle and tread layer pre vulcanization levels are suggested as
optimum pre vulcanization level at secondary vulcanization temperature of 150 °C, 20% of
middle and tread layer pre vulcanization levels was the optimum for secondary vulcanization
temperature of 170 °C. Out of two secondary vulcanization temperatures, 170 °C and 20% of
middle and tread layer pre vulcanization levels suggested as the optimum pre vulcanization