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Reutilization as a conservation strategy : a study with special reference to colonial buildings in Anuradhapura

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dc.contributor.advisor Chandrasekera, DP
dc.contributor.advisor Kulasooriya, V Mathota, MRSNM 2011-07-19T07:11:41Z 2011-07-19T07:11:41Z
dc.identifier.citation Mathota, M.R.S.N.M. (2008). Reutilization as a conservation strategy : a study with special reference to colonial buildings in Anuradhapura [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa.
dc.description.abstract "Damage to cultural property belonging to any people whatsoever means damage to the cultural heritage of all mankind, since each people makes in contribution to the culture of the world" (Hague Convention 1954) The environment we live in as human beings is shaped by the nature and the culture. Cultural heritage, which includes all buildings and landscapes etc constructed and cultivated by man throughout different ages and which are considered valuable, since they either stand as tangible witnesses to how earlier generations lived or constitute historical places or have special religious or cultural significance. Caring for the cultural heritage should therefore be given greater attention. The value of the cultural heritage has been recognized intentionally and also the conservation of cultural property had been paid great attention throughout the recent history of the world. The term cultural heritage embraces a huge area and it does not mean a mere building from the past. The physical heritage from the past, i.e. buildings, other manmade structures, cultivated landscapes or sites of symbolic value, are important features of our environment and of our culture. The term conservation means the action taken to prevent the decay of cultural heritage and conservation strategy means the method or the way that followed in conservation. Reutilization is one such method that used as a conservation strategy. The study deals with identifying the reutilization as a value oriented strategy used to preserve the values of a monument in architectural conservation of monuments. It identifies the concept of conservation as a philosophy and its development and it focuses attention on concept of reutilizing in architectural conservation. To discuss this issue colonial buildings in Anuradhapura are chosen as the case study. As such it paid attention on the history, evolution of the city and growth of conservation in Anuradhapura. Finally it can be realized that the quality of life of people depends on the physical conditions and spatial characteristics of society. As such conservation, rehabilitation, restoration and culturally sensitive adoptive reuse of urban, rural and architectural heritage are also in accordance with the sustainable use of natural and human made resources
dc.subject ARCHITECTURE - Thesis
dc.subject BUILDINGS - Conservation and Restoration
dc.subject ARCHAEOLOGY
dc.subject CULTURAL PROPERTY - Protection
dc.title Reutilization as a conservation strategy : a study with special reference to colonial buildings in Anuradhapura
dc.type Thesis-Abstract
dc.identifier.faculty Architecture en_US MSc en_US
dc.identifier.department Department of Architecture en_US 2008
dc.identifier.accno 92942 en_US

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