This research identifies and studies the cost implications of revenue gain or loss which occurs with the demand driven dispatching and Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet based decision support tool will identify the optimum re-assignment of aircraft with maximum revenue gained. When reassigning aircraft with actual demand, the following six cost components are considered:
a. Changes in Fuel Cost
b. Changes in Crew Costs
c. Changes in Air Navigational Charges
d. Changes in Airport Charges
e. Loss of Revenues from Swapping Aircraft in a Scheduled Route (First leg)
f. Loss of revenues from Placing a Different Aircraft in a Scheduled Flight Arc (second leg)
After identifying these cost components, they will be compared with the additional revenue gained from the fleet after swapping. The following are the two-revenue generation components considered.
a. Revenue Gained in Each and Every Swapped Pair in First Leg
b. Revenue Gained in Each and Every Swapped Pair in Second Leg
All cost components and revenue generation will be summed and compared with every possible swapping iteration in order to identify the swapping iteration with maximum revenue gain.
Misharaf, S.H.M., & Adikarawattage, V. (2016). Decision tool for demand driven dispatching; airlines perspective [Extended Abstract]. In T.L. Gunaruwan (Ed.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Research for Transport and Logistics Industry 2017 (pp. 137-141). Sri Lanka Society of Transport and Logistics.