Pedestrians distracted due to misbehaviour are very common in public places. Today, most of the pedestrian involved accidents are caused due to misbehaviour and such accidents increase rapidly. Pedestrian distraction is caused by a range of factors, ranging from munching while walking to the use of multimedia tools. In recent years, multimedia tools have become essential to many people. However, there are adverse effects when these are used at inappropriate times such as the use of mobile phones for calls or for texting while crossing the road. Therefore, this study focused on quantifying the behaviour distracting by different pedestrian categories in different pedestrian facilities in the Kandy town area.
Udowita, U.G.S.P.B., Sewwandi, K.K.D., & Edirisinghe, A.G.H.J. (2017). Behaviour distractive to pedestrians in public places
[Extended Abstract]. In T.L. Gunaruwan (Ed.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Research for Transport and Logistics Industry 2017 (pp. 31-35). Sri Lanka Society of Transport and Logistics.