Work trip is not flexible trip as like shopping trip where are the travel destination has choice
characteristic. In the urban area, the shopping trip is one of the biggest trip generation, and a push
factor of urban sprawl, thus if we control this trip type will gives us positive effect to decrease the
environmental impact of the transportation. The variation of the facilities, type of goods, quality of the
products, and the action attraction which offered by a shopping centre will become as attraction
factors, it difference with the work trip. The knowledge of this shopper attitude to percept the
attributes of a shopping centre or retail centre will become importance to understand why they choose
that shopping centre, so it will attract the shopper to trip from their origin to that shopping centre not to
the other.
Through household trip role research in Bandung by home interview and Multi-Criteria Analysis (AHP)
methods can reach to understand the sensitivity of the transport system attributes and shopping centre
location attributes to the individual shopper attributes, thus it can make easier to understand the
relationship between land use and transportation in order to control the shopping trip to reach
efficiency and effectively the shopping centre services.
As result of this study, it appears for daily and non daily shopping, the travel cost (xn) and travel time
(xj attributes of transport system factor, and the satisfaction level (x2S) than level of services attributes
(x22) of the shopping centre location factor, become to the most dominant attributes in shopping centre
choice for all age and wage group.
This research implication is the shopping centre plan in Bandung and the others cities as well, not only
base on the accessibility and services scale, but also must be planned base on the socio-economic
characteristic of the citizen as the consumers.