As centuries passed, different drinks have become prominent in different times, places, and
cultures from antiquity to the present day. The colonial—era herbal beverages with natural cups (coconut
shell) are famous among Sri Lankans, and after the colonial etiquette, altering and adorning beverages with
vessels popular with the Sri Lankan society. When need product durability people try to find durable materi—
al to full fill their need. Sri Lankan culture and tradition had fallen into changes according to foreign influ-
ences. These influence a considerable impact on the design, materials, production, and cultural behaviors.
Most of the products have been developed to fulfill human requirements. They try to identify different
materials with different qualities based on their needs. As a solution for particular purposes, clay was
identified as the best material to make beverage containers. Clay body has an identical qualities like flexibil—
ity, plasticity, strength, and chemical qualities of the clay body. In this study, the basic consideration goes
for the impact of the clay beverage containers' physical and sensory properties and functionality. Their daily
used products and utensils explore the cultural and traditional background of the society. The characteris—
tics of all products have different relative values depending upon the different circumstances and times in
which they may be used. Studying beverage utensils will be a pathway to highlight the hidden value of
cultural identity. As well research has continued qualitative and quantitative approaches. As an approach,
the grounded theory method will be used as the main research strategy. Primary and secondary data will be
gathered to enhance the reliability of the research and passing through history. Available clay beverage
items in the Museum collections will be used as main analysis samples for this research.