There are only three combined cycle power plants in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Electricity
Board owns one power plant, and private companies own the other two. Combined
cycle power plants start-ups can be divided into three categories such as hot, warm
and cold. Most of the start-ups are hot start-ups due to varying demand in the Sri
Lankan’s grid system. During start-up, power plant run at part load, which is
inefficient. Because a portion of the steam generated is directed to the atmosphere
during boiler warming up, it is essential to reduce the combined cycle power plants'
start-up time. This thesis focuses on optimising hot start-up time without
compromising equipment reliability.
The thesis is carried out on a combined cycle power plant in Sri Lanka. Parameters
during hot start-ups between 2019 and 2021 were collected in a minute interval.
After analysing the start-ups in 2019 and 2020, several experiments were carried out
during 2020 and 2021 hot start-ups. For this purpose, the start-up operation was
divided into sub-operations, and four critical operations which have a significant
impact on start-up time were identified.
Operations such as G.T. Loading, High Pressure (H.P.) start-up vent operation, High
Pressure (H.P.) steam bypass valve operation and new vent system operation were
analysed, and the best optimum operation pattern was identified.
Manickasivam, P, (2021). Minimization of start-up time of sojitz kelanitissa combined cycle power plant [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/21197