In today's world, many customers buy or choose products based on online reviews.
The internet contains a vast collection of natural language. People share their subjective thoughts
and experiences with one another in various social media platforms. Product reviews can be
analyzed to determine how people feel about a particular product .In Sri Lanka, people widely
use Singlish (Sinhala-English) to comment and give reviews on products, rather than a single pure
language .Therefore in this research it has extracted data from social media platforms on various
brands in the automobile industry and propose a system to rank the automobile brands in Sri
Lanka based on the social media comments which are written on Singlish. When ranking
products, it is not practical to rank products based only on the frequency of the products. Because
a brand having the highest number of comments does not necessarily indicate that it has good
market perception compared to other brands. In order to get an accurate overview, the study have
considered both the people's sentiment towards the particular brand and the frequency of
comments. When ranking the products research has done several rankings based on different
aspects namely market value, country of origin and second hand market, vehicle performance,
product features which people pay their most attention in the automobile industry and also an
overall ranking considering all these aspects together. With that it is possible to identify which
vehicle type or brand has the highest and lowest demand in the market, and the automobile
manufacturer can get a good understanding where a particular product stands out comparative to
other brands and apply their strategies accordingly. When implementing the ranking system
100000 social media comments were extracted and annotated. Convolutionary neural network
was used to develop the main model, and out of the different methods tried to predict the sentiment
as the part of the main model, random forest method gave a higher accuracy of 96.7 making it a
more sophisticated combination.