The film industry, as a captivating visual medium, thrives on its ability to intertwine reality and fiction, captivating audiences with compelling storylines. At the heart of film production lies the significance of props, instrumental in bringing characters to life and shaping the narrative. These inanimate objects serve as the backdrop to characters, establish settings, time periods, and cultural contexts, and often act as powerful symbols influencing societal trends. This research delves into the creation of realistic medical props for medical drama (films) scenes, where real props are not viable due to safety concerns. The challenge lies in crafting dummy props that convincingly mimic real objects, ensuring the safety of actors while maintaining an immersive experience for audiences. While international film industries rely on specialized design agencies and facilities, the Sri Lankan film industry faces limitations in accessing such resources and dedicated design institutes. Therefore, the creation of low-cost yet authentic props becomes a significant obstacle. To address this, the research combines technical expertise, medical knowledge, technical skills, and hands-on experience to develop props adhering to safety standards while upholding a high level of realism. These props enhance storytelling in medical dramas (films), providing a compelling and immersive experience. Creating realistic and safe props commences with a meticulous analysis of the film’s script and scene requirements. For medical drama scenes, extensive research into medical equipment, procedures, and terminology ensures accuracy and authenticity. Consultation with medical experts provides valuable insights during the design process, while material selection ensures the dummy props closely resemble their real counterparts in appearance and texture. Medical sequences demand props that can withstand physical interactions without endangering actors. Throughout the creation process, continuous collaboration between prop designers, directors, and actors is crucial to ensure seamless integration of props into the film’s narrative and performances. Visual representations and simulations aid in refining functionality and appearance, resulting in a coherent visual style aligned with the film’s vision. In conclusion, this research successfully demonstrates the creation of realistic and safe props for medical drama (films) in the Sri Lankan film industry. The fusion of technical expertise, medical knowledge, and creative ingenuity has produced props that elevate the cinematic experience while prioritizing actor safety. By overcoming limitations in accessing specialized design agencies, this research offers a practical and cost-effective solution catering to the unique needs of the Sri Lankan film industry, contributing to its growth and development.