This paper primarily argues about the nature of an urban void in the contemporary urban culture. In the age of urbanization, the role of an urban open space is manifold, and urban green and urban open space remains one of the most important link between man and nature. The urban park therefore, can become an important element within the fabric that tries to resonate with the city as well as engaging man into a range of enticing sensual experiences through natural elements. In doing so, striking a balance becomes a challenge - there are examples of parks who lean more towards urbanity while many remain close to the romantic aspect of the park as a ‘gateway to nature’ – and somehow the aspects of man and his perception of space, a topic that always gets the spotlight in the fields of architecture, remain side-lined. In this context, through analysing design strategies in one local park and two very famous and talked about urban parks - the highly successful Central Park in New York and the acclaimed design of Parc de la Villlete in Paris, this paper tries to investigate the possibility of existential space theory and spatial experience as a strategic design tool to engage and enhance social cohesion and place attachment in an urban park.