The study was carried out to determine the factors affecting the demand and supply(provision) of e- Learning in Sri Lankan tertiary education system. This is a cross sectional study conducted in Colombo district, Western province in Sri Lanka. Ninety one e-Learning users and ten organizations, who are in e- Learning environment participated in the field study. The conceptual model was developed after considering the global models and the factors in the initial literature review. The hypotheses were developed for statistical verifications of the concepts. The concepts for e-Learning demand were measured with variables in the questionnaires. Two separate questionnaires were designed fore-Learners and the providers. The study findings were statistically analyzed to identify the significant differences 111the concepts. The responses of the e-Learners were analyzed separately with using parametric and non parametric statistical tools. Current occupational status, highest school education, present income level, field of higher education, level of education ,Internet usage and availability of E-mail are some of the considered SOCIO demographic factors for the study. The study revealed that the demand for e-Learning affects from the SOCIO demographic factors of the learners, technology, cost, recognition, contents, delivery methods and culture of the program. Provision of e-Learning programs in Sri Lanka is in primitive stage and hence statistical analysis was not possible with the collected data .. Most of the users follow programs offered from foreign organizations through the Internet. Some organizations considered e-Learning and have been given up due to low return on investment and other technical factors. It was recommended to consider the socio-demographic factors of the learners, when designing and delivering e-Learning programs .The provider should consider technology, cost, recognition, contents, delivery methods and culture of the e-Learning program, because the demand varies with the above factors in Sri Lankan tertiary education e-Learning environment. Further longitudinal studies with a larger sample size on the same objectives, as well as studies on social and health implications due to e-Learning concept, are recommended.