Port lets based portal technology is gaining quite a momentum for the past years providing range of different high-level services for their users such as personalization, single sign-on (SSO), aggregation and customization features. It is a ho gaining attention among the majority of the people due to its ease in development. richness in functionality. customization of interface and pluggable architecture.// Today we can find several open and close source portal and portal frameworks that address most of our required portal functionality with set of new features and functionalities. So it is important to get the state of the art technology advantage over the existing portal solution to gain the above mentioned benefits// In this research project, it addresses the requirement of the university wide portal and designs a ponal solution covering the entire university. It also implements the portal site for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering while providing enhanced set of features and functionality over the existing department portal site.// The current research work focuses on developing a communication channel to make the inter port let communication possible between different porllets according to the JSR-168guidelines. It also discusses some of the issues faced in the development and running the portal site and possible future implications..
Fernando, B.K.P. (2006). Generalized manipulation of portlets : a case on University portal system [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/584