The construction industiy is .a majior contributor to the development of economies in Sri Lanka. However, it faces significant cballenges and difficulties which are unique to the specific industty. Therefore, it is a vital role to recognise them and offer solutions. This paper presents fmdings of a research which was carried out to identify c.hallenges face by the Sri Lankan construction indusny and effective mechaniisms / motives to overcome such aspects from the consultants' and contractors' perspectives. An in<lustty-wide questioWlaire survey was canied out to observe the views of professionals in the building c.onstruction industry dllring June-July 2005. Fotty six critical challenges which need inunediate attention were identified. Further, 20 mechanisms and motivators were tested to explore solutioas in overcoming the above challenges to enbance the image of the constmc.tion industly. Tilirteen mechanisms were identified and five effective factors were extracted and recomunende.d for up-lifting the image of the construction indusny.