This research was conducted to ascertain the Pe-construction delays in Civil Engineering Projects where it is executed by the State Organisations in Sri Lanka.
Furthermore, it was observed that most of the major civil engineering projects were executed with the assistance of Donor Agencies, where special emphasis is highlighted throughout this research. A similar study had be carried out by Mr W S Jayasinghe for Building Projects for his MEng thesis. The main findings were analysed categorically from this Research and they were stated as - Procedural, Institutional and any other clear illustrations.
Data was collected from a pilot study of 27 Projects, where Cabinet approval was sought for Projects value exceeding over Rs.5 million. Interviews and documentary research are the two methods adopted for data collection. For detail analysis only 12 Projects were considered since the rest of the Projects had no data available to retrieval.
The final conclusion of the research was that the un-necessary delay resulted in obtaining concurrence from Donors. Awareness of the procedure to be adopted by the officers involved in the project work, obtaining cabinet approval at some stage and the submission of TEC Reports in time.