Fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) pipes, particularly fibre glass in resin, is in use in chemical
industry, potable water supply and related applications for some time now due to their
advantage of chemical inertness. Use of FRP pipes and fittings in hydropower application
were almost unheard of (other than his own work - to the best knowledge of the author).
Earliest hydropower applications found cast iron pipes as penstocks, which were
subsequently replaced by ductile iron pipes. Welded mild steel pipes started finding wide
application, particularly with non-standard and large penstocks. Pye pipes too were
widely used recently for low head mini-hydro applications due to their advantages of low
weight with the resultant lower costs of transport and installation, and the smooth surface
leading to lower head losses in penstock. Its use, however, is restricted due to available
limited pipe diameters and pressure range. Mild steel pipes are often coated both internally
and externally to reduce erosion and to prevent corrosion respectively.