This is a document recording a process - the evolution of a Community
Development Programme for the people living in the inner city areas
of Colombo, The process begins with the identification of these areas
where conditions of living are worse than those elsewhere in the oity*
The identification and selection of action areas lead to an in-depth
analysis* The synthesis of data that follows, highlights the problems
and the potential of the community* At the end a programme of community
development is formulated drawing lessons from similar approaches.
The constituent parts of the study are^-in^six.
1, The objectives of our study are stated here in the light of
the living conditions of people whose life in deprivation in the
inner city fereas. call for attention not from the state alone but
from concerned individuals and professionals.
2* Major problems of the City of Colombo in general and a detail
analysis of such problems in the inner oity areas, relating
to the socio-economic and physical functions and problems of the
areas in the overall urban context* This part of the document
describes the methodology of identifying the problem areas of
poor urban communities and at the end locates the action areas
for further study*
3. Action areas, are then studied in detail. The survey and the
outcome are presented here in quantativo terms disclosing, the
acuteness of the major problems of the area and also records their
aspirations and the abilities of the members of the community*
4, Needs, resources and constraints, as observed during the survey
and expressed by the people, are brought to a common format and
the significance of such a format are discussed* Further investigation
and research which are necessary to maximise the efficacy of the
system and the necessary data basis to strengthen the resourceconstraint
data of the survey*
With a satisfactory collection of necessary information, observations
and studies on. Projects for Community Development^ carried .out in
other parts of the world and attempts made in that direction here*
in Sri Lanka, are presented.
This part of the document states the goals and objectives of the
envisaged community development programme and operates on a three
tier system. This comprises of long range goals statements, programms
objectives and the projects to meet the community's needs. Projects
are presented with reference to proceeding resource-constraint
analysis« the projects are seen as work plans and as documents of
public discussion with the community.