Traffic congestion has become a major issuefor all oj the cities in the uorld. Sri LAnka also incurs 1.5% oj GDP
due to massive financial and man-hour loss due to traffic congestion. Thus, this sets the importance oj
understanding bon. development and design ojfuture built environment influence travel demand and traffic flows.
Traffic flow modeling enables us to envisage traffic flOJVSin urban areas. Yet most oj the current conventional
models require the acquisition and analysis oj large quantities oj data such as the nefJvork topology, its traffic fow
data, vehiclefleet composition, emission measurements and so on. Data acquisition is an expensive process that
involves household surveys and automatic as well as semiautomatic measurements performed all over the nefJvork.
CurrentlY Sri LAnka and most oj the Developing Countries jollows these conventional Traffic Flow models, which
identified as expensive affair and inefficient method. Therefore, predicting or understanding trafficflow has become
an emerging challengefor Sri LAnka in this context